Paint/Graphic Tools 3D Dots 1.1 Create stereogram images with this cool program. A stereogram is a picture of random dots - if looked at correctly, a three-dimensional image appears. Add your own shapes and even text to your images. Print your stereograms or save them as PICT files to import into other documents. Desktop Publishing-> Volume 227/July '96 Big Picture 3.3 Now you see it This is an excellent image viewer and converter! It supports several formats and conversions. Rotate images as QuickTime movies as you view them. Scale all formats. * Supports drag 'n drop * Supports GIF, PICT, MacPaint, BMP, JPG and QuickTime movies * Create portfolio files (Application by John Montbriand) Desktop Publishing-> Volume 230/October '96 DLR Draw 1.0 Featured Create your own masterpieces with this easy-to-use drawing program. Choose from several drawing tools, including rectangle, ellipse, polygon and more. Choose colors, pattern and line width for any shape. Add text to your drawings in any font, size, style or color. Save, print or export your files. Desktop Publishing-> Volume 222/February '96 Latest & Greatest-> Volume 222/February '96 iView v1.0 Featured View images easier with this handy tool. Drag several PICT files onto this program icon and it creates a slide show of those images. Press the right arrow to view the next picture or the left arrow to view the previous one. This is much easier than opening each document separately. Desktop Publishing-> Volume 223/March '96 Latest & Greatest-> Volume 223/March '96 Loupe 1.2 Get a little closer This magnification utility helps designers take a closer look at their work. * Vertical and horizontal rulers * Supports Clipboard operations * Zoom in to magnifications of up to eight times (Application by Gregory Braun) Desktop Publishing-> Volume 230/October '96 Magnifier v1.5 Take a close look at this handy program. Magnify any area of your screen or display color information for a particular pixel. Just point and click - it's that easy. Choose a magnification of one to 128 times the original size. Desktop Publishing-> Volume 226/June '96 MattPaint v1.9.4 Featured Create your own masterpieces with this great paint program. Features six different painting tools, including customizable brush and eraser sizes, great text options and a lasso you can customize to select only certain colors. Saves files in PICT format. Latest & Greatest-> Volume 221/January '96 Desktop Publishing-> Volume 221/January '96 Morpher for 1.5 Featured Create animated morphs Morpher for is a wonderful tool that will quickly prove its worth in your electronic publications. Simply choose two PICT images, select a series of elements and nodes, then let the program morph them together. The program comes with a finished example and three PICT images to get you started. * Create QuickTime movies of your morphs * Choose compression algorithms * Customize frame rates (Application by Masakazu Fujimija) Desktop Publishing-> Volume 228/August '96 New Member Volume XXI-> Desktop Publishing Latest & Greatest-> Volume 228/August '96 Print2Pict v3.7.1 Print any text file to PICT image format with this utility. As an added benefit, you can create stand-alone documents called postcards. Convert your document to a postcard and any colleague or client with a can view it. Ideal for document sharing. NOTE: Drop this extension into your System folder and it becomes available as a Chooser selection Business-> Volume 228/August '96 Desktop Publishing-> Volume 228/August '96 Progressify v1.0 Convert sequential-display JPEG images to progressive-display JPEGs - and vice-versa. When a sequential-display image loads, it loads from the top down. If the file is half loaded, you see the top half. When a rogressive-display image loads, it loads the entire image in a low resolution and continually increases the image clarity. If the file is half loaded you can see the entire image, with less detail. Desktop Publishing-> Volume 224/April '96 ShareDraw 2.01 Featured Outstanding desktop publishing system The premier shareware page layout program for . Numerous features include: * Import PICT, QuickTime movies, EPSF * Export PICT, EPSF * Create textures * Shape tools * Text tools * Vector graphics * Supports multiple layers * Tutorials and examples (Application by Peirce Software) New Member Volume XXI-> Latest & Greatest New Member Volume XXI-> Desktop Publishing Latest & Greatest-> Volume 229/September '96 Education-> Volume 229/September '96 Desktop Publishing-> Volume 229/September '96 Business-> Volume 229/September '96 Smoothie 1.12 Anti-alias images This is the premier anti-aliasing application for . This powerful application allows you to smooth away the jagged edges of vector-based images. Use batch mode to create QuickTime movies or slide shows. * Single or batch smoothing * Automatically scales image during smoothing * Choose bit depth of finished image * Use QuickTime Compression (Application by Peirce Software) Desktop Publishing-> Volume 229/September '96 Sprinkler 1.0 Paint masterpieces This is a one-of-a-kind graphics program for people of all ages. Its simple interface makes it easy-to-use. Use its powerful and fun tools to create wacky, outrageous pictures. * Choose from 27 tools, including Stapler, Push Pin and Paintbrush * Mixed color tools * Each tool has a sound effect * Save and print (Application by Matthew Reagan) Holiday '96 Training on CD Sampler Improve your computer skills and knowledge with these insightful and comprehensive tutorials. This month's tutorial includes "Reverting to Saved in Illustrator," "Basic Basics in Photoshop" and "Joining Text Blocks in PageMaker." NOTE: We've included "Peter's Player," a fast QuickTime movie player, so you can play these movies even if you don't have Apple's Movie Player. (Apple's QuickTime extension, however, is required.) Peter's Player is located in its own folder within the tutorial folder. Desktop Publishing-> Volume 221/January '96